Creating winning partnerships

Benjamin Werndl is one of the most successful dressage riders in Germany and a member of the German Olympic squad.

Creating winning partnerships

Benjamin Werndl is one of the most successful dressage riders in Germany and a member of the German Olympic squad.

Benjamin Werndl

The development of horse and rider as partners, reaching your goals together as a team, that is what inspires me in my daily work in Aubenhausen.

With my experience, I am able to bring together and train promising dressage horses with their riders and regularly present successful partnerships in the arena myself. Together with my sister Jessica, I train horses and people together as partners in Aubenhausen based on our holistic training approach and philosophy.


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About Benjamin

“My life is a journey”

Horse fever hadn’t yet bit me in my younger years. It happened pretty gradually. One day, our grandparents gave our family a horse for Christmas. At the time, I was about six years old and my aunt bred Lewitzer ponies. When I was nine, I got my first very own pony, Lady.

Along with riding, Skiing also played a big part in my life during my younger years. I wanted to be either a ski racer or a professional rider, but at first I couldn’t decide. And if I was going to be a rider, rather a show jumper. Ludger Beerbaum was my idol, but that changed rather quickly when I got Dacapo, a dressage pony. My parents and Stefan Münch, our trainer at the time, who worked with us for many more years, taught me convincingly that in order to be successful in show jumping, a solid basic training in dressage was necessary.

This I should learn with Decapo. (I still find myself almost in this basic training today. ;-)) That horse was, for me, the perfect introduction into the world of dressage. Through a certain basic quality and my, already then, strong tendency towards perfectionism, we quickly made it onto the national team of pony dressage riders. I enjoyed it, and so the decision was made to be dressage riders.

The transition to large horses didn’t strike me as particularly difficult, because we – Jessica and I – not only had a great trainer, but also great large horses, which gave me a lot of confidence. As a junior and young rider, I was a three-time team European Champion, European Vice Champion in the individual competition and the German Champion.

Most successes that I had, I had with my horse, Sam, with whom I also made it onto the German B-team of seniors.

The step into the premier league of dressage, the International Grand Prix, is of course the biggest challenge that we have taken on in recent years. It inspires us to discover and develop young horses. Being able to help each other as brother and sister is especially nice. We see each other as like-minded partners.

In everything I do, it’s rarely just about the “what” for me, but it is much more about the “how” I do something. I want to work together with the horses, to form a team. In no other sport is there this relationship between a human and an animal. This is unique, and that’s why I love this sport.


  • 4. Platz im GP Special & GP Kür auf der Deutschen Meisterschaft in Balve mit Famoso
  • 2. Platz im 4* GP Special beim CHIO Aachen mit Daily Mirror
  • 5. Platz im GP Special beim CHIO Aachen mit Famoso
  • Bronzemedaille mit der deutschen Mannschaft bei der Weltmeisterschaft im dänischen Herning mit Famoso
  • 5. Platz im GP Special bei der WM mit Famoso
  • 4. Platz GP Kür bei der WM mit Famoso
  • First time in the Top 10 of the world
  • Worldcup victories
  • Member of the German olympic team with Daily Mirror and Famoso
  • Worldcup victories with Daily Mirror
  • 2nd at the Louisdor Final with Famoso
  • Member of the German national team
  • 1st at Grand Prix Vidauban
  • 2. Platz Lipica GP und Special
  • Nationenpreis Rotterdam
  • 1st at GP and Spezial Heroldsberg with Der Hit
  • 2nd at WC Kaposvár
  • Member of the German national team (B-team)
  • 1st at Grand Prix (Louisdor Preis) Donaueschingen with Der Hit
  • 1st at Euroclassics Bremen
  • Bavarian Champion with Sam
  • 3 Goldmedals at European Championchips YR Team
  • German Champion YR with Sam

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Reach the next level

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